Thursday, August 14, 2014

How can I get through

I want to be a mirror for just one day so that the selfish people in the world can see how the things they say and do effect other people. I try to always be aware of my actions and I make an effort to correct my wrongs when I make a mistake. I don't want to hurt people. I am a child of God and I want to please Him first. I want to be a reflection of Him and show other people that its not hard to please the Lord. It is much easier to not live for the world. I may not go out with friends and I may not have a lot of people in my life but the ones that I do have in my life are real and they love Jesus and we are brothers and sisters in Christ. I get my happiness now by doing things for other people. I like to make crafts and I like to bake. I love to work in the yard and take care of my plants. It is fulfilling for me to watch nature and how everything works together and how God is so cool that He gives everything a job to do. The bees get the pollen and make the honey which is a natural source of sugar or a great skin treatment. I love the fact that I can never figure out everything but I can constantly learn. I love to learn and I love being curious. I want to have a child like heart just like the bible says. I know that some people look at me as dumb because I don't do things like most people my age but its by choice and not because someone is forcing me to stay at home and do the things I do. When I am having a bad day I try to go to the word of God and let His words guide me through it. Discernment is a gift from God and although sometimes I am not as grateful for having it as I should be, I do thank God for allowing me to have it so I can tell the good from bad. I know its a gift because most others can not see it and they think I'm crazy when I do. There are some that have it and don't know how to use it because they deny their first instinct and give the benefit of the doubt. Please don't give the benefit of the doubt. If the negative feelings are there the first time it is probably for a reason unless it is a snap judgment.

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